Friday, August 18, 2006

Could I be the next Rocco Palmo?

Or Amy Welborn?

Well, probably not, but thanks to Renee Schafer Horton of the Tucson-area Explorer newspaper, I've finally got some press coverage. Renee, a Catholic who writes her "Faith Matters" column for the paper, interviewed me a couple of weeks ago about my post on the ordinations of 12 women on a river outside Pittsburgh, giving me plenty of column space to make my point that the real issue around ordination is why we continue to insist that virtually all sacramental ministry require a priest.

Anyway, here's the link to Renee's column, and back to my original post on the ordinations--in case you missed it.


At 9:55 PM, Blogger Heidi said...

Lots of ink there. I think you have a new fan.


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