Tuesday, July 10, 2007

We're being eaten by a boa constrictor

If you doubted that the Society of St. Pius X would not be satisfied with a restoration of the Missal of Pius V--the actual name for the Tridentine liturgical book, not the "Missal of Blessed John XXIII," which is ridiculous spin--consider SSPX head Bernard Fellay's response, as reported by Zenit:

"Difficulties that still remain [but the SSPX] wishes that the favorable climate established by the new dispositions of the Holy See will make it possible--after the decree of excommunication which still affects its bishops has been withdrawn--to consider more serenely the disputed doctrinal issues." In other words, we haven't gotten our way yet. Just a little more... a little more ...

All this to restore communion with about 1 million Lefebvrites.

But wait, there's more. See the next post.

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At 9:31 PM, Blogger YoungCatholicSTL said...

Yeah, SSPX'ers are the type of people that will never be happy with what the Vatican does. Any of them that truly cared about Catholicism came back years ago when the Pope sanctioned groups such as the Fraternal Society of St. Peter or the Institue of Christ the King to say the Tridentine Mass. The Vatican needs to give up on bringing them back.

At 10:45 AM, Blogger CtotheL said...

Couldn't agree with you more.


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