Wednesday, August 08, 2007

More sex abuse troubles in SoCal

Not L.A. this time, though. The Diocese of San Diego, currently in bankruptcy proceedings, just got an earful from the judge for hiding money--two parishes even had "secret accounts." The bankruptcy judge, having ordered a first-of-its-kind outside review of diocesan finances, now has to decide whether the deception was intentional, according to the San Diego Union-Tribune. If she determines it was, she could put all the diocesan finances in the hands of a trustee. (Note to other dioceses: You take your life in your hands when you throw yourself on the mercy of the civil court.) The diocese argues the problems were minor, though the total "surplus funds" add up to millions.

Of course, what the judge is most likely to find is a completely disorganized financial mess. As many have pointed out--both on the record and off--the next big scandal to come is money, and how sloppily is gets handled at many levels of church organization. This one is worth watching--but it will likely only be bad news for the people of God in San Diego.

Watch this get even messier.



At 1:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the reality is that this will be an example of how the "upper" leaders handled the sexual abuse problems to, they just sweep them under the rug.


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