Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Ready for married priests?

If the alternative is a pastor who allegedly fathers a child out of wedlock with a separated woman and then does a survey about whether or not he should stay, you might be!

According to Agence France-Presse, Don Sante Sguotti, a priest of the Padua, Italy diocese, has been relieved of his pastoral duties after his affair with a parishioner came to light. When the news first surfaced six months ago, Sguotti held a parish referendum, in which only 16 of 200 respondents said he should resign. Young people in the town have taken to wearing T-shirts that say "We are all children of Don Sante." So incensed at his replacement were parishioners that only four women showed up to Mass last Sunday, the first presided at by Sguotti's replacement.

Makes a nice, happily married man look like your dream priest, doesn't it?

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